Learning Disorder and ADHD Assessments
Learning disorder and ADHD assessments are available for children, adolescents and young adults.
A learning disorder and ADHD assessment includes the following:
- 1.5 hour clinical interview/intake meeting with parents
- Review of report cards
- Parent and teacher questionnaires
- Testing administration: one day of testing from 9 am to 3 pm (with breaks) + 2 hours on another day
- Phone consultation with teacher
- Scoring and analysis
- 1.5 hour parent feedback meeting
- Written assessment report with recommendations for treatment and/or academic accomodations (if applicable)
The testing administration process involves question and answer tests, paper and pencil tasks, computerized tests, interactive activities, self-report questionnaires, and clinical interviews. Dr. Bahador works very well with children and adolescents, including those with special needs. She offers a safe and supportive environment to make the testing process a positive and engaging experience for children of all ages. She treats children and adolescents with tremendous respect, understanding and compassion. This enables them to feel comfortable during the testing process and also motivates them to try their best, which helps to obtain the most accurate results.
A Psycho-Educational assessment helps to understand a student's learning profile, including strengths and challenges. It will also determine the presence of ADHD or any learning disabilities, including Specific Learning Disorders in Reading (dyslexia), writing or math. During the parent feedback session, Dr. Bahador explains all of the assessment results (including strengths and challenges and any diagnoses) and provide specific recommendations for interventions and/or academic accommodations (as applicable based on the results). She also addresses any questions that parents may have and provides appropriate referrals, as needed. This information enables parents, teachers and treatment providers to offer students the interventions and support they need so they can function optimally in school. Dr. Bahador believes that it is important to identify and highlight the unique strengths of each student in order to build on them. These strengths often become an important source of self-confidence and self-esteem, especially for students with learning differences.
Areas that are evaluated during an assessment:
Intellectual skills (IQ testing) in all intellectual domains: verbal, visual spatial, fluid reasoning, working memory and processing speed
Learning/Academic skills in reading, writing and math
Attention skills
Executive functioning skills (i.e., planning, organization, working memory, self-monitoring)
Fine Motor skills
Social/Emotional screening